Do I Need A Lawyer For My Workers Compensation Claim

The Missouri Workers’ Compensation law can, at times, be difficult  to navigate, especially for injury victims who are trying to handle their own case against experienced attorneys hired by the insurance companies.  Some insurance companies and employers treat their injured employees fairly.  But, unfortunately, many do not.

A survey conducted by the Missouri Lawyers Weekly, a legal newspaper, cited Division of Workers’ Compensation figures indicating that settlements  with employees who had lawyers were 38% higher than those without.  Following a change in the law, the average settlement of claims for employees with lawyers was 49% higher than those without.

Most lawyers, including Tyree, Eskew & Roberts, handle Workers’ Compensation claims on a 25% contingent fee basis.  The lawyer does not get paid unless you receive Workers’ Compensation benefits.  While no guarantees can ever be made, the data suggests that you will come out ahead by having legal representation.

Injured workers have certain rights under the law, but the employers and their insurance companies have no obligation to protect those rights.  That  protection can be provided by hiring a lawyer to take on the lawyers working for the insurance companies.